If It Hadn't Been For My Wife, I'd Be Living In A Trailer...
Memoirs of an Entrepreneur
I have lived and experienced one hell of a life as an entrepreneur. I have done or tried to do business in over 30 countries on everything from condoms to television sets. Sometimes I was the first one in my industry to develop business in countries like Russia and South Africa. I never thought any opportunity was too hard or impossible and found myself doing business with industry leaders like Sam Walton founder of Walmart, Lee Iacocca and Hugh Hefner. I’ve made and lost millions but retired with money in the bank and time to write this book. Enjoy the ride!

100% of royalties and all speaking engagements will go to the Forster Foundation.
What If The Messiah Was Already Here

With all the conflicts happening around the world, I thought it time to offer a positive group of fictional stories of how Chabad Rebbie's over the past decades have worked hand and hand together with the leaders of the Mafia, Catholic Church, Amish, Buddhist, Mormons, Evangelists and Messianic to create a new world order of international peace and prosperity. Take a moment to put aside all the continuous disturbing news around the world and settle down, take a few deep breaths and read these positive futuristic stories.
What if the Messiah...
If you want to learn more about religion or hear creative tales about religious groups and leaders this is your book!! The author is a genius. Highly recommend this read..
What if the Messiah...
This author's second book is intriguing and entertaining. While it is positioned as a work of fiction, it causes you to think about a related real event and a "what if. . .?".
The author's writing style is dramatically different in this book from the first. I compare it to a John Grisham style..
If it Hadn't Been For My Wife...
The author / entrepreneur does a superb job of writing that is both entertaining and inspiring. His honesty and sharing are heartfelt. You will not be disappointed.
If it Hadn't Been For My Wife...
Each business opportunity has its ups and downs and the author brings you along for the crazy ride. Hysterical and honest from start to finish.